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Romance Developmental Editing

Wondering what developmental editing is, and if your romance novel needs it?

Romance novel developmental editing looks at 4 things:
-main characters


If there's an issue with your book's structure, characters, conflict, or use of tropes, readers will struggle to feel anything for your story, and they might put it down in favor of another book. That's why fixing developmental problems is so important. 

When I do a developmental edit on a romance novel, I don't just comment on things to fix—I give you specific examples of how to fix each problem and teach you how those tweaks will help the story. This speeds up the edit and gives you a better understanding of how to structure romance novels, making it easier when it comes time to write Book 2.  


Lead magnets between 10,000 and 30,000 words: $400/£315*

Lead magnets between 40,000 and 60,000 words: $500/£390*

All other romance manuscripts: $0.015/£.012 per word 

*Wondering why my rates for lead magnets are less expensive? Authors don't recoup the time and energy they put into lead magnets through book sales; lead magnets instead help them grow their readership and mailing lists, leading to more eventual sales. But lead magnets still need well-plotted stories—they're often a reader's first impression of your books!—so my lower rate helps authors and publishers like you afford to put out the very best, on a budget. 


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